Welcome & Overview

Videos of our sessions will be made available May 18 or before. Hold tight!

Welcome to Resilience Now On Demand!

This is the online archive of the Resilience Now conference: healing collective trauma in the time of COVID19.

By May 18, participants will have access to 22 lectures, each 45 minutes long. The lectures address 5 topic strands helping educators build resilience around topics such as classroom strategies, developing Hope, building resilience within faith-based communities, and strategies to build resilience in self & staff right now in these highly stressful times. 

Each strand has a reflection section that will help you process what your takeaways are and how you could use what you've learned to impact those around you. Because we believe the real quest we're on is one of connection. That only together can build resilience in our broader communities.

Thank you for being here with us.

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